Monday, March 7, 2016

what can we show to students to engage them to look at a 2-hour documentary about SPACE?

talking   Total show time:  1 hour, 54 min
salt “icicle” or “brinicle”
37 minutes
salt falls out of the ice that forms on the ocean surface
like 500 Niagara Falls
42 minutes
the SALT FALL.  “1 trillion gallons of brine fall each hour”
Currents on the globe
44 minutes
the current drives the circulation of the oceans
This remarkable video was possible only with special cameras.  This information was not available in 1980 when many of your teachers were in school.           >>  see also:  
This video shows how Florida is connected to Antarctica.  Please take time to watch this video.
You can learn more by searching “brinicle Antarctica” on the Internet.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The membrane between the egg shell and the egg white

Eggs -- The empty egg...

Make the egg empty by making a small hole on each end of the egg and then blow out the white and the yolk.

Then soak the shell in vinegar.  The shell will dissolve in the acid and you are left with the membrane.

These photos come from Steve Spangler's page.

You can see more HERE

You can see in minute 2:37 that the membrane can collapse.   The website recommends baby powder to keep the membrane dry.