I pointed out to my 12 year old nephew (Larry) that boys are here to protect the butterflies and the butterflies are here to guide us men.
Larry laughed at me. "You don't know very much, do you?"
My 12-year-old nephew Larry says, "If a girl slaps me, I'm going to slap her back."
I said, "If a female hits me, I walk away. I probably did something that was out of order. I crossed a line and I need to retreat."
"Oh, no, you have to be a man. You have to hit back."
This lesson is about differences. Draw a line down the center of a sheet of paper. Put MEN on the top of one column and WOMEN on the top of the second column. Then write pairs of differences.
For example, in one of the articles, the authors observe that many women can sense a change in temperature in a room before the men in the room notice the change of temperature.
YOUR TASK is to read through the documents and search on the Internet for "male female differences" particularly "male female brain differences." You can listen to the funny
or you can read the transcript that is printed below.
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